
Bye forever

wow. i cant believe how long its been. i totally gave up on this....



I haven't posted in like FOREVER!!!!! Sorry. I have other online accounts now.


its raining... its boring!!

Hey people. Sorry I haven't been on lately. Schools been so hard cause we have testing next week. :( :(

Not much has happened...

Oh, I read a new manga. its called kamichama karin. the girl karin turns into a godess! I really love the anime as well. I suggest this if this is ur 1st anime.

Id better go. it's raining and im bored!

Oh, and lately, I've been making a lot of short films with my video camera. they're funny,

I adopted a snow leopard from wwf on friday. the pic at the top is the pic of it i get!

better go.

bye! ♫♪


So far...

So far my birthday (weekend) has been awesome! On Friday, my ipod came!!! I have 52 songs on it.

My party was fun! We painted little wooden jewelry boxes. Then, we played wii. After that we played Nickelodeon Scene It. We stopped playing though.

Then, I opened up my presents. Here's what I got...
Jonas Brothers pillow and blanket
Chocolate Bunny, books, and a plush dog
a notebook and a $25 gift card to Target
$25 gift card to Target and fundip
$25 gift card to Target
$25 gift card to B n' N
$25 gift card to B n' N


A ticket to the Jonas Brother's Concert in July!!!!

and I think that's it. If I forgot something, I still appreciate it, so thank you guys for coming to my party. (if you came)


Easter was fun. I got 2 webkinz and chocolate. I also got a kite. We went to our field to fly the kites. It was fun.

Dinner was awesome! We had turkey, lamb, ham, potatoes, green beans, and pretty much anything else you can think of.

Well, 1 more day till my b-day! Some of my family from Virginia is coming up today!

Gtg. My Aunt J is kicking us out of the house. I'm at my grandma's cause my mom has work. So. Ttyl. Bye!


♫ Lots to say, but so little time ♫

Hey guys! I'm sorry I haven't been on! I've been so busy!!!!!!!!

With school and softball practice, I've been so distracted!

Oh! Guess what! My birthday is on Tuesday! I'll be 12!

This weekend, I'm celebrating it with some of my closest friends. But, it's not a big thing. We're painting jewelry boxes! I hope I have fun!

On the 20th, it's my cat's b-day. He'll be 2! Happy birthday Socks!

Well, I have to go. I'm talking to my bff on the phone! So, happy-b-day to me! (& Socks if I don't post by then!)

Oh, wait! I forgot. I'm getting the ipod 3g for my birthday! I was told by my parents already! I hope it comes soon! ♫♪♫♪♫ It's blue! I ♥ blue! Well, ttyl! Bye!


My head hurts...

Ugh. I have this horrible headache! It won't go away! GO AWAY ALREADY! My throat hurts a little, too. I hope I'm not sick! Somehow, I've avoided being sick since like December.

I just took some medicine. Hopefully it works!

Today, we took not 1, but 2 math tests. On the pretest (1) I got 92%. That's pretty good. 2 wrong. But, Idk what I got on the second test. I think I did pretty well. I hope.

Tonight, I'm going to see a play. Its called Damn Yankees. Not the biggest fan of the name, but whatever. After the play, my cousin Desy is sleeping over. Yay!

I think I'll go take a nap. I'm pretty tired. Talk to you whenever...








♠ Happy Saint Patrick's Day ♠

Hey guys. Today is Saint Patrick's day. I'm half Irish, so I celebrate it every year!
Today, we went to my grandma's (Nani's) house for dinner. Lots of people in my family were there, so... yeah...

ummm.... oh... last week... yeah... about that... I FORGET!!! Well, nothing important happened anyway, so...

nm happened over the weekend. EXCEPT...

My dad took me down to our local softball field. I LOVE softball. It's my favorite sport. I was hitting the balls over 3rd base! I really ♥ playing!

This year, I move up to a new team. I AM SO NERVOUS!!! That's because there's like 3 teams, and I'm wanted by coaches that I don't like as coaches. There's one GREAT coach. He's one of my friends dads.(Mrs. Edward Cullen) She's soooo LUCKY! She doesn't have to worry about being put on a bad team! But, I know her dad's trying really hard to get me on his team. He told me and my dad that. (Here's the convo.)

My dad: Hey (insert Mrs. Edward Cullen's dad's name here), softball tryouts are Wednesday, right??
Her dad: Yeah.
Me: Who's coaching besides you, (Mrs. Edward Cullen's dad)?
Him: Idk.
Me: I hope I get on a good team. But, I think that (certain person) is coaching this year. She'll try and get me. I DON'T want to go back to her team.
My dad: That was HORRIBLE! Sazzyrosy97 hated being on that team. (certain person) doesn't even know how to coach!
Him: I am trying to get Sazzyrosy97 to be on my team. I want people like her (who know HOW TO PLAY!) on my team.
Me: Really??
Him: Yeah. But, that's if I can get you or not.

That's it. I changed some things around to make it more dramatic, though.

I have a 1 out of three short of being on his team. I hope I make it!!!

I gtg. Write again soon!



♫♪ Book Fair ♪♫

Today was my class's time to go shopping at our book fair. I spent $26. But, that's not so bad. At least I spent $ on books! So here's what I got...

1) Junk Food... Jonas Brothers book. It's all about the Jonas Brothers. But, not all of it's facts are true. They said that Nick's birthday is November 16! It's not! His birthday is on SEPTEMBER 16. November 16 was the day that Nick was diagnosed with diabetes!

2) Listen!- (Let me type in some of the bask of this book...)
For 12 year old Charley, recovering from the accident that shattered her leg is nowhere neat as difficult as facing the solitude of a summer without her best friends and with a father who does nothing, now, but work. Solitude means time to think, time to hear for the first time the awful silence left in her world two years ago by her mother's death. But the summer holds a surprise for Charley, in the form of a mysterious dog who appears in the woods across the lake from her home. In order to connect with this wild spirit she names Coyote, Charley will have to do more than just walk. She will have to follow Coyote into the heart of her memories: the woods her mother loved so much. And she will have to learn to listen past the silence.

Sounds good, huh?

3)11 Birthdays- On their first birthday, they learned to walk. On their fifth, they planted seeds in handmade pots. On their tenth, they learned there are some words you can never take back.

Amanda's eleventh birthday should be a happy occasion. Instead she's dressed in an itchy costume her mother picked out for her boring Hollywood-themed party while, across town, her ex-best friend, Leo, is celebrating their joint birthday with a huge bash including a hypnotist, a football star, a giant iguana, and a rock band. SO not fair!

Amanda can't wait for the day AFTER her birthday so she can stop thinking about the fight that led her and Leo to have separate parties for the first time in their lives. There's just one problem. The next day is her birthday again!

In this hilarious and touching adventure, Amanda must figure out how to get unstuck, in more ways than one.

4) Coke or Pepsi. It's like a would you rather kind of book where you fill in your answers with friends. It's really cool.

Well, i gtg. I'm going back to the book fair soon. ttyl!


♫♪ In M.A. ♪♫

Hey guys! I'm in Massachusetts right now. I'm with my cousins Tianna & Kalee. We're going to play manhunt soon.

I have to leave tomorrow. :( :( I'm having so much fun!!

Well, have a great night. We're starting to play now! Bye!


♫♪ Going to M.A.! ♪♫

I'm going to Massachusetts tomorrow!!! We're visiting family. I really miss them, and I'm glad we get to see them soon!

I get to leave school early tomorrow since we're leaving at around 1ish. How will I finish homework??!! Well, we come back Sunday, so...

La la la la la la♪. La la la la M.A.♫.

Idk what that was. I'm random...

Today in gym we played dodge ball against the class next door. We switch classes, and the two classes often share parties.

So anyway. In gym, I got some people out. It was so much fun! I got hit on the head. I wonder if that's why I'm so weird...

La la la la la la la la! Momiji-kun is coming to M.A. with meeee. la la la la la la la la!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay. I'm really loopy today. Ask any of my friends. They all know...

Today, we had a pop-quiz. It was for language arts/grammar. I got a 100. I feel really bad for some people though. There was this really hard part, and if you got 1 wrong, you got 5 wrong!!! Poor people.

Well, I gtg. I have to finish packing! (yeah, i'm a late packer. lol. ttyl!)



♫♪ Snow Day ♫♪

YAY!!!!! Today's a snow day!!


I'm so happy. Today I might...

1. Have a snow ball fight.
2. Build a huge snowman.
3. Go back to sleep. Yawnnn...
4. Stare out the window and look at all the falling snow.
5. Order my Tohru Honda ( she's from one of my manga *Fruits Basket*)school uniform for the upcoming Manga convention.

Question: Do you like my new blog layout?? I think this one is a keeper for a while.

I'm so happy. NO SCHOOL!!!! This also gives me time to pack for my trip to Massachusetts. I can't wait. On Friday, when we get there, we're going to have spaghetti. Yum. Saturday, we're probably going to the movies. I don't know what we're going to see yet. And on Sunday, we leave. :( :( :(

The snow is falling like crazy!!! La la la la la la la la la la la la la♪!

Okay, I don't know what that was right now, with the la la la la la la la♪! I just feel like singing to the world. *Not really*. But I'm hyper today!

You know, it's really hard to type with a cat on your lap! Socks, get off!!!
Don't use that tone of *meow* with me, Mister!!!

Lol. Socks is so naughty. He's always in trouble. But,I still love him! Sometime soon, I'll tell you guys how I got him. But, not today. I'm too lazy to! Ha lol.

I'd better go. L8r People!


♫♪ OMJ!!! *AGAIN*!!! ♫♪

Okay, sorry for the HUGE font!!! Idk why it went like that... So I'm just gonna re-post that post. Okay, so here I go...

OMJ! I just went to see the Jonas Brother's 3D movie!!! It was the most amazing movie ever! And guess what!! All of the performances were at the concert I went to!

We (as in myself, my mom, my bff Alyssa, Shelle (that’s a shoutout for you *you know who you are!*, and Alyssa's little sis. It was awesome!!!

CAUTION! I am now going to talk about the movie. If you haven't seen it yet, I suggest you not read this!!!

At one point in the movie, all three of the Jonas Brothers start to take off their shirts. Only Joe does completely, and someone throws a shirt or a towel at the camera.

Their singing was AMAZING! It was like being at an actual concert! OMJ OMJ OMJ!!!

All three of the Jonas brothers did a great job on all the songs. The one that stands out to me the most is Burnin Up. That's because "Big Rob" came out and did the rap with them!! Sadly, they didn't perform "Love Bug". Oh well. It was great!

At the end, it was really funny. They pretended to be in the movie theater, and they ask "Big Rob" if he has any popcorn left. "Big Rob" shows them this huge empty bucket! Then Kevin says, "Hey, you in the red shirt, give us some popcorn" or something like that.

Okay. I'm done talking about the movie!!!

So anyway. School was fun today. We took a test though. Science. I think *and hope!* I did well. We also rearranged our desks. Now I sit next to "Mrs. Edward Cullen". Well, I gtg.


I'm going to M.A. next weekend to visit the family. If you guys are reading this, then I miss you! See you soon!!!

Well, I gtg.

WAIT! AGAIN! I ♥ Momiji-kun!!! He's a character from my manga. He's so cute!!! Momiji-kun!!!

Well, bye!!!!


♫♪♫ OMJ!!!! ♫♪♫

OMJ! I just went to see the Jonas Brother's 3D movie!!! It was the most amazing movie ever! And guess what!! All of the performances were at the concert I went to!

We ( as in myself, my mom, my bff Alyssa, Shelle (thats a shoutout for you *you know who you are!*, and Alyssa's little sis. It was awesome!!!

CAUTION! I am now going to talk about the movie. If you haven't seen it yet, I suggest you not read this!!!

At one point in the movie, all three of the Jonas Brothers start to take off their shirts. Only Joe does completely, and someone throws a shirt or a towel at the camera.

Their singing was AMAZING! It was like being at an actual concert! OMJ OMJ OMJ!!!

All three of the Jonas brothers did a great job on all the songs. The one that stands out to me the most is Burnin Up. That's because "Big Rob" came out and did the rap with them!! Sadly, they didn't perform "Love Bug". Oh well. It was great!

At the end, it was really funny. They pretended to be in the movie thertre, and they ask "Big Rob" if he has any popcorn left. "Big Rob" shows them this huge empty bucket! Then Kevin says, "Hey, you in the red shirt, give us some popcorn" or something like that.

Okay. I'm done talking about the movie!!!

So anyway. School was fun today. We took a test though. Science. I think *and hope!* I did well. We also rearanged our desks. Now I sit next to "Mrs. Edward Cullen". Well, I gtg.


I'm going to M.A. next weekend to visit the family. If you guys are reading this, then I miss you! See you soon!!!

Well, I gtg.

WAIT! AGAIN! I ♥ Momiji-kun!!! He's a character from my manga. He's so cute!!! Momiji-kun!!!

Well, bye!!!!



Just another day...
Not much has happened this week except...

  • I went down to my town's field and played softball with my cousins. With the boys, it was disaster! But, next time, it's just going to be me and my cousin Fay Fay.
  • School Wednesday. Not really anything.
  • Thursday... Umm.. Oh yeah. I got 2 new webkinz. The Deer *Bambi of course!* and the Siamese *Mei-Yin*. There was a 20% off sale and I also got a new webkinz outfit for Mei-Yin. I also *also again! lol* got a new kooky pen. I forget the name, but it's really cute!!
  • Friday... Oh, my cusin Bubba's birthday. He's 11. Nani *our grandma on my mom's side of the family* is so sad! All of her grandkids are over the age of 10 now! Poor Nani!
  • Yesterday was a lot of fun. It was Martigras at the church center. They had a big party, and you could put tickets in baskets to win prizes. I won 4 things... 4 napkin holders with an angel *it looked really cute, and they were from Hong Cong*, A set of French thimbils *again they looked really cute, and the lady who gave them to the basket idea told me that they were from Paris!*, a build your own lighthouse kit * I like building things!*, and a sweatshirt for Nani that says "A grandma's love is everlasting". I had so much fun, and I met up mith my friend Alyssa there!
Today, it's supposed to rain, so I'm not doing much. I gtg. Time for breakfast! TTYL! ♫♪♫♪


Happy ♥'s Day!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Today, I got chocolate! I'm so happy cause reese's aren't recalled for salmonilla *?? spelling* lol. But i'm so happy! :) :) :D :P ☺

My sister and I are looking up stupid things on youtube. Search these if you want to join our stupidness...

  • gummy bear song in german
  • gummy bear song in english
  • do ya like waffles normal song & webkinz version
  • leek spin
  • pichacu leek spin
Enjoy the dumbness!


♥ Hi People ♥

Hi people. A lot has happened while I was away...

  • I had a Valentine's dance yesterday. I wore a pink shirt with a vest, black leggings, and awesome new pink converse.
  • I sprained my finger. OUCH!!! It hurts while I type! It actually turned purple, but I can move it so it's not broken. We were playing basketball in gym, and someone threw the ball to ??? and I tried to catch it and BOOM! My finger like went backwards!!! OUCH!!! DUMB FINGER!
  • Inside joke for my class... My teacher asked me to remember that her phone was in the classroom, so she tied a piece of ribbon to my finger and I wrote "Phone" on it. Luckily it matched my outfit.
  • Today, my class had a Valentine's Day party. *Even though that's tomorrow!* Lol.
  • Today is Friday the 13th. Plus, it's my mom's birthday! DUN DUN DUNNNNN! Tonight, her my dad, and some of my mom's friends are going to see the new Friday the 13th. I'll be at my grandma's so. Yeah...
  • The dance yesterday was sooooooooo much fun. My bff's & I hung out the whole time. They made me dance :( :( Oh well...
  • Okay. My cats got sick 2 days ago. They ate poisened flowers, but, they're all better! This goes to show, be careful what flowers you buy. Don't get colored flowers!!!
Okay. I gtg. Pizza's here! Bye!!


My Guinea Pig

My Lion Cub


My Kitty

My ferret

My Monkey


♫♪ ... ♫♪

Hi people....

Im soooooooooooooooo bored...

Not much as happened lately...

I got 2 100's on my tests today...


I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bored...

Question: What do you do with a case of boredom??



I guess I gtg....

Post soon...




♪♫ Martin Luther King Jr. Day ♪♫

Martin Luther King Jr. ------↑
Barack Obama--------------------↑
Hey guys! Today is a very special day... IT'S MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. DAY!!
This year, Martin Luther King Jr. Day (MLKJD) is very important because tomorrow is the swearing in *inauguration* of Barack Obama *aka the next president of the USA!!!*

Barack Obama is the USA's first African American president! FINALLY!!!!

Tomorrow in school, we're going to watch the inauguration!!! We get to see Barack Obama get sweared in as president!
Also tomorrow, my class is going to film important things around my town. We are entering in a contest *Panasonic* contest. If we win, we get a shiny trophy!
Question: Are you excited about Barack Obama being the next president of the United States??? I sure am!!! He'll fix this country up.
These are Bush's last hours as being the president... Forever....

Oh... I forgot to tell you guys. I got new glasses! They're blue and really pretty.........
Sometimes, my mind escapes... Like now.....

I keep on....

So ANYWAY... I'd better go. I'm watching the Jon and Kate plus 8 marathon!! Bye.....


♥ Hey People of the Blogger World! ♥

Hey, guys! What's up? I'm just talking to my bff (lets call her ummm... yes... Oh! StickerFace! Funny story about that...) on aim.

Hey, guess what! My class participates in D.A.R.E. , which teaches us about drug resistance. And there's a little stuffed animal as the mascot. He's a lion named Darren. I got to take him home this week! I'm like the ummmm... 1 sec.... 11 maybe...

But, anyway! My class went on a trip to the Imax theater to see a nature film. It was awesome!!!!!

Then we went to a food court for lunch. I had chicken from Burger King.

Gtg now. StickerFace is being really annoying!!!! Post l8R... BYE!!!!!!


♥ Hey People! ♥

Hey all you awesome people who read my blog! Your AWESOME!

My friend, Alyssa and her sister Grace are over. Our parents are watching football. It's so LOUD HERE!!! The men are like "GO GO GO!! NOOOOO!!! YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!" Gosh it's loud.

hi it's Grace! yo peanut! cool bye!!!!!

That was Gracie. She scares me too, so don't worry!

So I'd better go. They're yelling at my dog?!?!?! IDK ANYMORE!!!!!!



Hey people! I haven't posted since LAST YEAR!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

It's 2009! YAYAYAYAY!

Last night, I went to my cousin Destiny's house. We played Rock Band, and ds. Then, at midnight, we ran outside and blew poppers!!! They smell BAD!!!

Question: How was your new year's eve???

Well, I'm at my Grandma's and we're eating desert. So BYE!

2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009!


♥ Merry (2 days after) Christmas!!! ♥

Hey guys! Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and whatever else! I had the BEST Christmas EVER! Here's what I got... I know, it's a lot... But I have a HUGE family that got this stuff for me, so....

D.S. Lite (Ice Blue)
Animal Crossing Wii
Avatar Into the... Wii
Wii Music
My Sims Kingdom Wii
Cooking Mama Wii
Cooking Mama 2 ds
Super Mario Galaxy Wii
Kooky Pens (Krew 29)
Pokemon Shadows of Almia ds
Fruits Basket ( Manga ) 1+2
Peach Fuzz ( Manga )
Tear this book apart ( American Girl Book )
Wii Speak
A new scooter (Razor Carve )
Heidi (DVD)
Movie Night Popcorn Bucket
MiJam Drummer
Knitting Loom
Webkinz ( Hedgehog, Camel, Dachshund, and Buffalo

Well, happy holidays! Please Comment! byyyyy!


♥Christmas is Coming!♥

Hey people! Have you seen my countdown to Christmas yet? If not, then check it out. It's right over----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> there.

Have you decided what you wanted most for Christmas? I have. Actually, it's 2 things. I really want this AWESOME d.s. lite (it was in my last post), and Animal Crossing City Folk for Wii. I hope I get them both.

Today was the last day of school this year! I go back to school on January 5th, 2009. Ha! That's next year.

It was sad to leave my teacher and friends today. They're great, and I miss them already.


Okay, weirdness over. Lets get back to reality....

Question of the day: What's the thing that you want most for Christmas?

I'll try to post on Christmas, but probably not. I'm always busy! At 7:30/8:00ish, I open presents at my house. Then I go to my Grandma's house around 10:00. Well, I'd better go. We're baking cookies soon, and my cousin Faith is giving me the look. DUN DUN DUN!!! Byeee!!


Countdown to Christmas

Christmas Countdown & MySpace Layouts

5 days till X-Mas!

Hey guys! I know! 5 more days till the best day ever! Christmas! Guess what! I found this awesome ds lite (Pic above) and I hope I get it for Christmas! 5 more days, and I can't wait!

Question: Did you get hit by the storm yesterday?

Well, I did! In school, they made an announcement that there would be a half day, during school! Also, yesterday was my choir concert at school. We did great!

Did you get your X-Mas tree yet? I did. My sis like took over this year! I am so angry because it's supposed to be a family tree, not a ( insert person's name here)______ tree! Ugggghhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday, when it was snowing, my cousin Destiny and I made a HUGE snowman. It's bigger than me, and I'm 4"11.

You know what colors are best for Christmas? I think they are blue and white because they look so pretty when they're together. Red and green clash, and look horrible together! No offense. This is just my opinion. Silver and blue look nice too, but not silver and gold. EWWW! Red and gold look nice too. Still, just n opinion.

Well, I gtg. I have to set up the Christmas village and nativity. Merry 5 days till Christmas!


♫ While I was gone for like a week... ♫

Hi guys! I am sooooooo sorry I haven't been on lately. *By lately, I mean in like FOREVER!!!!* School is getting harder now cause I have 2 reports to do. One is on Egyptian Mummification. That is for Social Studies. The other is for science fair. I am doing dyslexia. Dyslexia is a disease where you see words backwards. For Example... Saw = Was p = q,d, or b. It's kinda confusing... S'ti adnik gnisufnoc...

Well, Sorry bout the short post, but I got to go study. Then at 9:00, Jon and Kate plus 8 is on so BYE!

♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪ ☼♥☼♥☼♥☼♥☼♥


♥ Olah... ♥

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been on lately. I've been sooooooooo busy with Thanksgiving and all. Here's what my Thanksgiving was like.......

Okay, Thanksgiving was soooooooo much fun! Every year I go to my grandma's house and stuff my self. I went to my grandma's house at 8:00 A.M. , and stayed the night with my cousin, Bubba. But here's more details...

I walked the dog *Trixie* throughout the day. I also gave her a bath and groomed her with *a tiny bit of help* from Bubba. She likes being clean!!! I also brought my Wii down to play with my cousins.

At 12:00 P.M. , we ate lunch and played WiiFit. It was funny because every time Bubba stepped on the board, it said *Ohhhh*. He kept on messing up so it was really funny.

We ate dinner at 4:30. Boy was it delicious! I had turkey *yum...*, mashed potatoes *yum...* corn *eh... yum?* , and I had gravy on all of that.

Desert was at 6:00ish. There was pie *ohhh. pie!*, homemade pudding and jello, ice cream, and all yummy stuff!

Bubba and I slept over that night. AT 7:45, we walked Trixie around the block, and we heard a hobo scream!!!!! It was like "AHHHHHH!!!" So we picked up the dog and ran for our lives.

Well, I have to go for 2 reasons... One= I don't want to bore you to death *lol*, and Two= I have to get ready to go to the movies. I'm seeing Twilight again. Talk to you L8r!


♥ New Puppy In The Family ♥

OMJ!!!! There's a new puppy in my family! My Aunt Joyce just got a puppy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She's a Maltipoo *Maltese/Poodle.* She is sooooooooooo cute!!! Her name *I named her* is Trixie!!! Trixie is sorta my dog too cause my Grandma and Aunt Joyce live 2 houses away, and I saw her and wanted to help her. My dog doesn't like her though... :( :( :(

OMJ! Twilight rocks!!! I'm gonna see it again Saturday!!!!!!!!!!

Well, I have to go. I'm at my Grandma's and she made Ham. I ♥ ham...

I'll post a pic of little Trixie L8r. TTYL!!!



Hey guys! Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I have had SO much homework lately!!! But here's the good thing...

I'm gonna go see Twilight tomorrow!!! I can't wait!!! It's gonna be the best movie ever!!!!!!

I'm in the middle of reading the book now, but still....

But isn't it great that
I'm posting again???

Tomorrow, I'll post... Hopefully!!!

Well, no ?'s today cause I'm at my grandma's and my dad just got home! Talk to you later!!!


♥ Fine, I'll post!!! ♥

Hey guys! What's up? Nothing much for me, except I have a new friend! That's Juniper Leaf. We found out that we LOVE the same things. We both ♥ the Jonas Brothers, Manga, Blue Ds lites, and a WHOLE lot of other stuff like reading, YOU GET THE POINT!!

My weekend was okay... Yesterday, my mom and I went to Walmart and AC Moore. We got stuff to make Christmas cards out of. They are soooooooooooooo cute!

At AC Moore, I got 2 new kooky pens! Now I have 3! My first is *Klyde*, my second *Charity*, and my third *Believer*.

Question: Do you see any kooky pens you like????

Comment!!! ♫♪♫♪☼►♫


♥ 100th Post! ♥

YAY! I finally made 100 posts! I'm going to make this the best post ever!!!
You guys know how I had that thing at my school last night, right? Well, guess what! I won the *Dog Lovers Basket!* My dog LOVES it! ♥♥♥ Her favorite toy is a little green ball. She went CRAZY!!

I had so much fun last night! I bought like 20 tickets for the baskets, and 12 for the grand prizes. The grand prizes were an I pod Touch *I NEEDED to win but...*, Guitar Hero for Wii, and a Wii console and Wii Fit * I have both so...*

Guess what! My dad won the 50/50's and he got like $155! But you want to know what he did when he won, he screamed "YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" It was so embarrassing, but it was also funny!
Hey! Have you guys visited (That's Juniper's blog) and (That's *Mrs. Nick Jonas's* blog... YEAH RIGHT! JK!)
Question: Are you gonna make this post THE BEST by commenting???? I can only do it with your help!!!
Well, I have to go now. I might be going to the movies L8r. Make this post the best plzzz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My goal for comments is at least 6 or 7!!! TTYL!


♥ Hey ♥

Hey all you AWESOME people who read my blog! Your AWESOME! Hey, guess what? This is my 99th post! I know, not much but...
So anyway, school was pretty good. We didn't do much work *YAY*.
Hey, have you guys been to the 2 new blogs on my list yet??? There awesome! One's Juniper Leaf, and the other is Twilight Blog. Check them out!
Tonight I'm going to this fun cultural night thing at my school. There's TONS of food, and I'm gonna meet up with my friends! Then there will be a raffle for baskets that we students made! Oh, and their also raffling off a WII!!!! But I have one so whats the point?
Question: What are your weekend plans??
I'd better go! TTYL!


♥ My Weekend and week so far... ♥

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been on much. I had a busy weekend...

On Saturday, I went to Target, Barns and Noble, and F.Y.E. I got a new manga book, Inubaka Volume 4. I didn't have time to read it yet.

At Target, I got new Pokemon cards. That's it because my mom doesn't want me getting anything until Christmas. Oh well.

So on Saturday night, I went to my friend Anabelle's solo performance. She has Asphbergers (? spelling), which is a type of Autism. She did an AWESOME job!!!

Sunday was boring. I didn't do anything except homework.

Hey, here's my horoscope today!!!

You can get ahead of the curve with ease today -- you've got exactly the right kind of energy for pioneering and blazing new trails. You don't have to go it alone, either, as at least one intrepid friend is game.

Question: What was your weekend like?

Almost forgot, today's Veterans Day! Like 5 or 6 of my family members are veterans. Most of them fought in Vietnam, but my Grandpa fought in World War 2.

Well, I'd better go! See ya!


Hey guys! This is the video. I hope you like it!!

♥ Sigh... ♥

Hi people. How was your day??? Mine was VERY boring. But looking at my horoscope cheered me up! Here's what it said...

Look even farther ahead today -- you need to be thinking really long-term, possibly in terms of generations. Your big ideas are worth pursuing, even if you might not see all of their effects.

It gave me a little bit of joy on my boring day.

So in other news...

Today I made a video of my cat, Socks playing with my dog, Nina. I'll post it L8r...

Well, I'd better go. I have to find what's wrong with my Wii. It's making really weird noises. C Ya!

Almost forgot!!! Daily Question!

Question: Today it's not like a Question question. It's more like a *go find out something* question!

What's your horoscope today? Go to and find out!


♥ Video of my cat, Socks ♥

Hey guys! I just made this video of my cat, Socks. I hope you like it!!!

P.S. HAPPY 12th BIRTHDAY, ALYSSA!!! *if your reading this*

Also *P.S.* Jonas Brother's "Lovebug" is playing in the back round.

♥ Obama wins the election! ♥

YAY!!! Our new president of the united states is * drum roll plzzz...* BARACK OBAMA!!! He had 349 electoral votes! McCain had 173. But the point is BARACK OBAMA made history!

In other news...

It's Wednesday! I still don't have school!

There's not much to do today so I think that I'm gonna go watch some of my anime shows online. I guess I'll go through the "Fruits Basket" show again. If you're interested go to google, youtube, or and type Fruits Basket episode 1.

Question: Are you glad that Obama won?

Well, see ya!



♥ My X-Mas List ♥

I know it's only November 4, but I already made my Christmas List! Here it is...

1. Animal Crossing City Folk ( Wii )
2. Wii Music
3. My Sims Kingdom ( Wii )
4. A d.s. lite ( color=blue)
5. A new scooter
6. Mario Super Sluggers ( Wii )
7. Pokemon Pearl ( d.s. game )
8. Avatar " Into The Inferno " game for Wii
9. Avatar complete book 3 collection
10. " Blue Box " MiJam Pro Air Drummer ( it's like real drums, but you hold the drumsticks and bang in mid-air! )

I know 10 things seem like a lot, but I have a BIG family that gets me things for Christmas. I have my parents, my grandma & aunt, my other grandma, and my aunts and uncles who usually send me and my sister money that is used to buy our gifts.

Question: What do you want for X-Mas this year???

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ♥Sazzy♥


♥ Good Night ♥


☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺

I'm so happy! I have no school the rest of the week!!! Tomorrow is election day and we're off!!! Then the rest of the week there are teachers conventions! YAYAYAYAYAY!!!!

Question: Two things today... How was your day and who would you vote for if you could vote??

Well, I'm talking on aim right now to one of my fave cousins! I better go!!




OMJ! I just figured out this awesome trick! If you press ALT and any number on the right side of your keyboard, you can make awesome signs!!!

1234567890 = NOOOO!!!!

0. = YES!!!!

Here's some easy symbols...

ALT + 1= ☺
ALT + 2= ☻
ALT + 3= ♥
ALT + 4= ♦
ALT + 5= ♣
ALT + 6= ♠
ALT + 7= •
ALT + 8= ◘
ALT + 9= ○
ALT + 10= ◙
ALT + 11 = ♂
ALT + 12= ♀
ALT + 13 = ♪
ALT + 14 =♫
ALT + 15=☼
ALT + 16=►
ALT + 17= ◄
ALT + 18= ↕
ALT + 19= ‼
ALT + 20 = ¶
ALT + 21= §


Sazzy☼ ☼ ô ☻ ├


♥ Happy Halloween / Saturday ♥

Hey, people! It's Saturday. I had an awesome Halloween! I dressed up as a vampire bride and I got like 200 pieces of candy!

Today I went to my bff Alyssa's party. We saw HSM3. I no, my second time, but it was still a lot of fun! After the movie, we went to Outback for dinner and I had chicken. It was good...

Question: What was your Halloween like, and how much candy did you get?

Well, gtg! Bye.....


♥ Giant Rubber Band Ball ♥


Hey people! I found this awesome pic of a giant rubber band ball. I was randomly looking up stuff, and yeah I found this!

Well, it's Sunday, and I'm at my friends house. She had a sleepover, and I was invited. She got Wii Music from her Uncle and we played that until like 11:30. Then we did Pictochat on the until like 1:30. We went to bed around 1:30/2:00. It was a lot of fun!

Well, I gtg. I'm gonna go outside with the dog. C u L8r!


♥ HMS3 ♥

OMJ! HMS3 was AWESOME!!! I think it was the best HMS movie ever!

( I'm at Party now ) We just finished eating cake * Jonas cake* It was sooo good! Now we're going to go watch Fred, and open presents! Well, gtg!


Hey guys! It's Saturday! Sorry I haven't been on, I've been busy. Monday& Tuesday, I was sick. I had Tonsilitis (? spelling) . But I'm better!

Today I am going to a party. We're going to see HMS3 and then eat lunch. Then I'm gonna sleep over! I'm not going to tell you who's birthday, but she LOVES Nick Jonas ALMOST as much as I do. Jk! She and I LOVE Nick Jonas more than anything!

Well, I gotta make a card for her! I'll post a pic if I have time! L8r!


♥ T.G.I.F. ♥

It's finally Friday! I'm at Cella's house cause we have 2 do a project 2gether. We're gonna play Street Sesh on So, g2g! Bye!♥


♥ High Score Of The Day♥

I just added new things on my sidebar, and the newest is the High Score Of The Day. Check it out!!

♥ Jonas Bothers Rock♥
MyHotComments Jonas Brothers rock!!!

♥ Monday♥

Ahhhh. Monday. Most of us hate Monday cause we have 2 go back to school, but today I am off of school because it's Columbus Day. So I am in a good mood.

There's not much 2 do today, so I am reading a book called TTYL. It's really good.

Well, I g2g! I hope ur Monday is better, and p.s. I am still sick!!! sigh...


♥ New High Score ♥

I got a new high score on that skateboarding game, 395,746!!!!


OMJ! There is this awesome website my friend showed me! You go to the section where it says skateboarding and click that and play the first game, it's called Street Sesh. Beat my high score, it's 201,522!!

♥ Sick Sundays ♥

Today I am really bored!!! I am kinda sick, * I can't talk * sigh... The least I could do is post.

So last night, I stayed over at my cousin Fay Fay's house, and my cousin Desi was there! We stayed up till 12:00. We told scary stories about this haunted girl, Kara. We made the best homemade cookies I've ever tasted. I had a really great time.

So that's about it... TTYL! ♥~~~~~~Sazzy



Follow my blog plzzz!!! CELLA STOP PAZZING AROUND!!!!


People, my friend is making me laugh, so I will say this quick...

I went to Barnes and Noble and I got a mag and TTYL. That is a really good book! STOP CELLA! OMJ!!!! STOP LAUGHING AT MY HORRIBLE TYPING!! Srry! Lol!! STOPP!!!! Well, while this CONSTANT LAUGHING IS GOING ON, I gtg! TTYL!!!

♥ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sazzy

♥ Saturday at last♥

Ahhhh. It's finally Saturday. You think that Saturday is a relaxing day, right? Well, 4 me it's really pazz.

I slept over Cella's house last night. We stayed up till 12:30ish. Today we have to work on our Lottery Rose Project. Yesterday, we made the stage for our puppets. It looks pazz! We covered it in really nice orange and light green wrapping paper, and we made a banner. Now we have to make the script and the puppets.

Yeah, so about my Saturday... Since my parents are away this weekend, tonight I stay at my grandma's house. *She lives 2 houses away mfrom my house.* But my Great * as in my mom's aunt* just died yeaterday. :( My Grandma is her sister, so she is going to the wake. I am going to my *other* bff, Alyssa's house, and when my Grandma comes home, I am going back there 2 sleep.

I hope your Saturday isn't as confusing as mine! lol! ~~~~~~~~ ♥


♥ Pazz! ♥

Random! I just made up a new word, Pazz! It means like anything you want! Here, I'll use it in a sentence....

That Jonas Brothers shirt is soo pazz!

Yeah, so if u c me using pazz, u no what it means!!

So anyway,
I am at my friends house for a sleep over. My parents went to the Pokanose! * Yeah not how u spell it,but u no.* We plan 2 stay up till 1ish. * Like I'll make it that late, I pazzed out!!! * Well, gtg! TTYL *Ps. READ THAT BOOK!!!!* Night!~~~~ ♥

♥ BUSY!!! ♥

Sorry I haven't been on lately. I have been soooo busy with school, and friends. My friend Cella and I have to do a project 4school together. We have to make a puppet show about the book that we have been reading. I am going by her today to work on it.

So anyway... Today my class went on field trip to the Izod center to see Walking With Dinosaurs! It was sooooooooooo cool!!! My favorite part was when there was a shadow of a HUGE T-Rex, and you think that a big dinosaur is gonna come, but insted it's baby came!! It was soooooooooo cute!!

In school, we have this program called D.A.R.E. Every week, 2 police officers come and teach us about drug resistance and bulling. And every week, Darren, the D.A.R.E. mascot gets passed around the room. This week, one of my bffs, Natalie got to take him home for a week!! Darren is sooooo cute!

Oh, yeah. I forgot to say, last Saturday was my cousin Paulie's engagement party. He's getting married in 2 years!

Last thing * before I bore u 2 death. lol!* today, after our field trip, my * yeah, another* bff Gracie ( u no, Gracie's blog) came to my school to visit! That made my awesome day even better!!


♥ Town Festival ♥

Today was my towns annual festival!! I left my house at 12:30, and stayed till 3:30 *it started to rain*. I went on rides, played games, and I ate awesome foods from the P.T.O ( Parent Teacher Association) stand! Guess what! Every year, my school does a drug poster contest. Out of like 200 students, the art teacher picks like 50. Then she sends them to the high school, and they pick the 30 that go on the fence for the festival! Mine was on the fence, and it was the first poster!!! I hope I win!!!! (1st place is $100, 2nd is $75, and 3rd is $50) I can't wait to find out if I won!!! ♥


♥ Srry!!! ♥

I'm srry 4 not coming on lately. I have nothing to say since school started. I kinda like 6th grade.
We got to Boston in May!! I can't wait!! I want to get Demi Lovato's new CD!!! It is soooo awesome!!* yeah changing the topic, you know lol* For Nick Jonas's 16th birthday, he got a golden retriever!! It's name is Elvis!!! HE IS SO CUTE!!! * Also talking about Nick* So thats about it. Oh wait!!! Did you watch Dancing With the Stars last night??? THE JONAS BROTHERS PERFORMED! Oh, and Selena Gomez was there too! Front row!! She there to see Nick! Even though they are dating, I still like Selena Gomez. I liked her 4 a while, and some people say I'm not a true Nick fan cause' of that.Well, I know I like Nick more than ALOT of people!!!


♥ Back 2 School Night ♥

Tonight at my school, it was Back to school night *let's call it B.T.S.N. *for the parents. I went because my teacher volunteered me to go hand out fliers. SO I got, and I hand out like 5!! *lol* SO anyway... After that, we got free cookies, milk, and cake! We also got to wonder around the school! I went to the tech room, and cooled down. *it was really hot*! So that was it! ♥ Comment! ♥


♥ Nick Jonas' 16th Birthday! ♥

OMJ OMJ OMJ!! Tomorrow is Nick's 16th birthday!!! I can't believe he is gonna be 16!!!! I hope he has the best birthday ever!!!! ♥

♥ Srry!!! ♥

Sorry I haven't been on lately. I have been soooooooooooo busy!!! So, anyway! I got Wii Fit on Friday. It is a lot of fun! We had to got to like 5 stores to get it! Here they are in order... Toys R Us, Best Buy, Walmart, and Gamestop. Finally, at Gamestop, they had it! I also got more Pokemon cards! Wii Fit is the best! I can't believe they had it at GameStop!!! Well, gtg! Test tomorrow! ♥



Today is 9/11/08. It's been 7 years since the attack. You know whats weird??? Last year on 9/11, a little 4 week old kitten ( Socks' lil sis ) fell into my pool. We rescued her, and saved her from a fatal death. She looks exactly like him! So anyway, we took her in for a few days, and then someone wanted to give her a home!!! I named her Angel, because I knew that an angel in heaven was looking out for her! And guess what else??? She had the cutest little kittens!!!! There are like 5 of them! Socks and Angels' ( half ) brother lives in my yard because he is an outdoor cat. He's not mine, but I wish he was! His name is Itty-Bitty. Their mom's name is Oreo. Well, let me go. I don't want to bore you!!! One more thing... Remember to have a moment of silence for those who had passed on 9/11/01. ♥


♥New Backround & New Manga♥

Yesterday, my mom, my sister and I went to target! I got new trading cards! Call me crazy, but I like Pokemon! Well, the cards. The show is weird. So anyway, we went to Barns and Noble after Target, and I got a new manga called Inubaka. * Crazy 4 Dogs * I finished it last night. Well, anyway, do u like my backround?? I had it a few months ago, but I really liked this one! Well, I gtg! Comment! ♥


♥ Wii Fit ♥

In like a week or something, I'm getting Wii Fit! It sounds soooooooooo cool!!! When I first get it, I am going to do the snowboarding! Then the hula hooping!! I can't wait to get it!!!!!!!!!!


♥ Not Much ♥

Not much has been going on in school lately. My new teacher, Ms. Jimmerson is really nice, but today she got really mad. Some people got in big trouble! They didn't have " quality work " ! I am safe from failing though. My language teacher Miss Turner passed me!! But, guess what! We have a test Monday! Ugggghhh! Oh well... ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥


♥ First Day ♥

Today was the first day of school!! It was fun, and it was great seeing my friends! I am sad that summer is gone, but I am happy cause my teachers are really nice! ( I switch classes. Math and science with my homeroom teacher, and language reading with my other teacher.) I miss my bff Gracie!!!! I hope she's fine in her new school! :) :) :) :) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥♥ ♥ ♥ ♥♥♥ ♥ ♥ ♥♥♥ ♥ ♥ ♥♥♥ ♥ ♥ ♥



A few days ago, I went to Walmart! I got like 5 new back to school outfits! I know exactly what I am gonna wear the first day of school! I am wearing my new awesome converse with leggings, and a really awesome shirt that has awesome colors, a guitar, and overall, it's AWESOME!!!!!!!!



blah blah blah ♥

♥ ♥ I am sooooo bored! 3 more days till school, and it is nerve wreaking! My class is the loudest in the state!!!!!! I hate being in the loud class! Our class is a.t. and we are supposed to be the best behaved class in the school! Well, gtg! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


I hate construction !!!!!

Ughhh! I am so sick of having to listen to construction!!!!!! Every morning I wake up to it! They are building houses, and yesterday, we got new streets. ( the streets are fun to ride the rip stick, scooters, bikes, and ect... on!!!) Today, they aren't working because it looks like it's going to rain. ( YAY! FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!) lol! Oh, I also finished The Light In The Forest. It's not the worst book, but it is off topic a lot... ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥



I don't know what to say, so I'm gonna let you guys comment on this post.... ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥



Sorry I haven't been on lately. I've been busy. I have to finish a boring book called " A Light In the Forest" for school. This is weird to say, but I am sorta glad to be going back to school. I get to see all my friends, except Gracie. :( :( :( Well, i g2g. Gotta finish my summer work. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


The Bronx Zoo

Yesterday, I went to the Bronx zoo with my Aunt Joyce, and my cousins. It was a lot of fun! We went to the butterfly garden, and an orange butterfly landed on my shirt!!! It was soooooo cute! We also went to the Mouse House, and there were like 1000 mice and rats!!!! Some mice were posing for the camera!!! We went to see the gorillas, and they were soooooo funny!!! They were posing, and we saw a baby gorilla!!! It was adorable!! One gorilla came up to the glass wall, and plopped it's self down!!!! We also saw giraffes, monkeys, camels, birds, tigers, penguins, and one of my favorites, the sea-lions!! They were the cutest, and there was a baby sea-lion!!!!!!!! It was doing little tricks and things, so adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was fun!


Check it out!

Today on webkinz, I saw the manetee! It is sooooooo cute!!! I want it! When it goes into a non-underwater room, it's in a bubble!! It's sooooo cute!!



Have you ever read manga books??? Well, if you haven't you should. They are awesome!!! Right now I am reading the Full Moon series. It's about a girl Mitsuki Koyama (Japan) who loves to sing but she can't sing very loudly because she has a tumor in her throuth that hurts when she sings. Then the Shinigami ( gods of death ) come and they tell her she has one more year to live. SO she goes to an audition to be a singer, and she turns into a 16 year old Full Moon and she lives her dream. Then BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH!! Go read the books, or watch the show Full Moon wo Sagashite ( Searching for a full moon ). Hope you like them!!!


Bored!!! AHHHHH!

I hate being bored! I am sick of doing the same things everyday!! But, I am sick of the school year even more. I really am not looking forward to going back to school.Oh well. Hopefully someone my age moves here soon because there are new houses here, and none of my friends live here...:( :( :( :(



The Jonas Brothers concert was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO AWESOME!!!!!!!!! I almost cried when Nick sang "A Little Bit Longer"!!!! He has the voice of a billion angels... Sigh..They sang like 22 songs!!!! The first song was " Thats Just The Way We Roll", and the last song was " S.O.S."!!!! I had the best time ever! I want to thank my bff Alyssa, her mom Michelle, and her sister Grace for taking me to the concert. Thank You SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much! Nick looked sooooooooooooo cute! When they played " Hold On" ( Well I think It was "Hold On") Joe and Nick were doing flips, and cartwheels, and It was sooooooooooo cool!! And when they played " When you Look Me In The Eyes" Joe jumped on the piano!!! OMJ, It was the best concert ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


1 more day!!!!!!!

Yay!!!! I more day till the Jonas Brothers concert!!! I can't wait! Hey, did u guys see Jonas Brothers Living The Dream last night??!??!? It was sad! But AWESOME!!! Nick's gonna sing that at the concert!


JB Crazy!!!

Yeah, it's true!!!!!!! I'm Jonas Brothers Crazy!!!!!!!I have like a million posters of them, I read all the mags about them, and I am going to their concert Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!!


2 countdowns

I no! I put 2 countdowns! I liked the first one, but then I was looking on pyzam this morning, and I liked this one cause it says JB in the backround! So I added it before!



As you can see...

I've added lots of new pics today. I also added a countdown till the Jonas Brothers concert, and a cute little kitty!

Jonas Brothers Concert!!!!!!!!!

I can't wait until Sunday!!!! I''m going to a Jonas Brothers Concert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We're pretty close too! This is only my second concert. My first was Demi Lovato. By the way, seh's opening up for them! If there's a meet " n " greet, I might die!!!!!!!!



Sorry I haven't been on lately. Hershey was so much fun! I went on like half of the rides, and my sister made me go on a rollercoaster!!!! It was so cool! Today, i'm at my friend Cella's house. We went swimming! Yeah, so BYE!!!!


Hershey Park!

Tomorrow, I'm going to Hershey Park! I can't wait!!! We are going on the chocolate tour, the water park, we're doing everything! I won't be able to post till' Wednesday night, so see ya!!!


Demi Concert!!!!!

Today was the Demi Concert!!!!!!! It was sooooooo much fun!! We got vip seating, and we were in the second row! My friend Marcella touched her hand! When she came back, we all grabbed her! It was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much fun!!!!!



2 things. My bff Gracie has to give away her cat, Mr. Kitty! She has had him for sooooooo long! I feel so bad 4 her. :( The other thing is my cousins got a little baby kitten yesterday! His name is Oreo. He is exactly 4 weeks and 2 days old. Oreo was born on June 21th! He is sooooooooooooooo cute! DUH! He is black & white. He dosn't even weigh a pound! 88 ounces!


Demi Lovato!

Guess what!!! This Saturday, I'm going to a Demi Lovato concert!!! There might be a meet n' greet!!! I'm going to try to get her autograph for my bffs and I! I can't wait!!!!


My Weekend

My weekend started on Friday when I went to one of my bff's party. We saw Kit Kittredge ( my second time! Ha Ha) and then we went to Pizzaria Uno! We litterly stuffed ourselves! Then on Saturday, I went over my other bff's house, and we played on the sims. Yesterday, we went to her grandparent's lakehouse in Sussex, NJ. We went to this big lake, and we swam all day. It was fun. And today, I'm selling snowcones! Homemade! I can't wait!



Yesterday I got the Samoyed! His name is Sammy! # 32! I saw all the new ones, too. And did you know that the German Shephard is going to be retired?



There is this girl in my class, and she is a snob! She talks about my friends and me behind our backs! And I went on my friends blog ( Gracie's ) and she talked about the girl. When you meet a snob, and you hear her talking about your friends, stick up for them. Then, tell your friends. This year, one of my enemies was terrifying my bff. She is soooooo mean. I made a doll like her, and colored over it, and put it in the rain! It made me feel good!

New Backround!

As you can see, I changed my backround! Leave comments to tell me if u like it or not!


New Banner!

I made a new banner today! YAY! Nick Jonas!!! Hope u like it!


Today, I was bored, so I wrote a poem.

Is sooooo
Cute and very
Kind. The

Jonas brothers are like
OMG! Expecially
Nick because he is an
Sweet guy!


Back From M.A.

I had a great time in Massachusetts! We got there at about 9:15 a.m. My cousin Kalee and I played in their basement all morning. Then, we went to my Uncle Tom's house. I was swimming all day. Then, we had desserts. Cakes, giant cupcakes, brownies, cookies! It was all soooo good! The next morning, Kaylee and I played in her basement. We also played with her guinia pig. She is soooo cute. That afternoon, we went to the movies. We saw Kit Kitterage, an American girl. It was like one of the best american girl movies! Then we went to a pizza parlor. That was my trip. Leave comments!!!