
♫♪ Going to M.A.! ♪♫

I'm going to Massachusetts tomorrow!!! We're visiting family. I really miss them, and I'm glad we get to see them soon!

I get to leave school early tomorrow since we're leaving at around 1ish. How will I finish homework??!! Well, we come back Sunday, so...

La la la la la la♪. La la la la M.A.♫.

Idk what that was. I'm random...

Today in gym we played dodge ball against the class next door. We switch classes, and the two classes often share parties.

So anyway. In gym, I got some people out. It was so much fun! I got hit on the head. I wonder if that's why I'm so weird...

La la la la la la la la! Momiji-kun is coming to M.A. with meeee. la la la la la la la la!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay. I'm really loopy today. Ask any of my friends. They all know...

Today, we had a pop-quiz. It was for language arts/grammar. I got a 100. I feel really bad for some people though. There was this really hard part, and if you got 1 wrong, you got 5 wrong!!! Poor people.

Well, I gtg. I have to finish packing! (yeah, i'm a late packer. lol. ttyl!)



Natalie said...

Good for you!!!!!!I hope you have a great time with your family and friends!!!

Thalia said...

yeah.... u have been kinda loopy 2day! have tons of fun in MA!!!!!