
♥ 100th Post! ♥

YAY! I finally made 100 posts! I'm going to make this the best post ever!!!
You guys know how I had that thing at my school last night, right? Well, guess what! I won the *Dog Lovers Basket!* My dog LOVES it! ♥♥♥ Her favorite toy is a little green ball. She went CRAZY!!

I had so much fun last night! I bought like 20 tickets for the baskets, and 12 for the grand prizes. The grand prizes were an I pod Touch *I NEEDED to win but...*, Guitar Hero for Wii, and a Wii console and Wii Fit * I have both so...*

Guess what! My dad won the 50/50's and he got like $155! But you want to know what he did when he won, he screamed "YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" It was so embarrassing, but it was also funny!
Hey! Have you guys visited (That's Juniper's blog) and (That's *Mrs. Nick Jonas's* blog... YEAH RIGHT! JK!)
Question: Are you gonna make this post THE BEST by commenting???? I can only do it with your help!!!
Well, I have to go now. I might be going to the movies L8r. Make this post the best plzzz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My goal for comments is at least 6 or 7!!! TTYL!


Sarah aka. Juniper Leaf said...

Hey its me!!!!

Here are the answers to your questions. Well I am in 5th grade this year and 6th grade in 2009.I know its surprising. I used to have a dog and if you read my older posts, you could have seen his pictures.But now I have a cat and her name is Kit Kat. My favorite vacation was in Sydney. That place was Amazing!!!!OK next answer. My School starts in January and ends in November. ( Well I have mid term break in March, June and September.) And Yes I have been to many places in the world.Like San Francisco(my personal favorite), Thailand,Perth,Korea,Canada and ETC ETC. Well thats all.My turn to ask the questions. What grade are you in? What is your favorite movie??? Who is your favorite actor Do you have any pets???What is your favorite color???

Talk to you soon!!!Bye

Sarah aka. Juniper Leaf said...

Hey its me!!
What is full moon about???

Sarah aka. Juniper Leaf said...

Well here is the summary of D-Gray man:Akuma, monsters born from dead souls mistakenly recalled by their loved ones to the living world, are the weapons of the Millenium Earl, who is intent on the destruction of the world. Allen Walker has been cursed with an anti-Akuma weapon as his left arm that has a shape of a cross in the middle and an eye that sees the former soul of the Akuma since his youth. He is also one of the few who contain "Innocence", a substance that allows him to kill Akuma and fight the Earl. With these powers, he joins the Black Priest Organization as an Exorcist and sets out with other Exorcists to stop the Earl's attempts to annihilate the human race.

Well I love Manga with action and a bit of fighting in it.I will give you a few manga websites where you can read manga online for free.

Talk to you soon......


P.S. guess our ages are only one year apart.......:):):):):)

Sarah aka. Juniper Leaf said...

Yes I have a nintendo DS but its the fat one Cause I want the lite one.Its number 2 on my wish list.And now I am currently reading ouran high school host club. Here is the summary:Haruhi Fujioka is a scholarship student at Ouran High School, a fictional school located in Bunkyō, Tokyo. Because of the superlative cost of the school uniform, Haruhi resorts to wearing long slacks, polo shirts and a vest. Combined with her large glasses and tousled short hair, Haruhi's look causes her to be confused for a boy.

Looking for a quiet place to study, Haruhi stumbles upon the Third Music Room, the working place of the Ouran Host Club, a group of six attractive male students (Takashi "Mori", Mitsukuni "Honey", Kaoru and Hikaru, Tamaki, and Kyouya) who spend their time charming and entertaining the school's girls for profit. During their first meeting, Haruhi accidentally knocks over a vase valued at ¥8,000,000, estimated to be $80,000.

In order to pay off the large debt, Haruhi is employed as the club's "dog" and constantly ordered to do menial tasks like serving food or cleaning up. The Club president, without knowing she is really a girl, promotes Haruhi to "host" as soon as he discovers her potential. Even after the truth comes out in the Club, Haruhi continues the charade and is allowed to pay off the rest of her debt working as a host; provided she conceals her true identity/gender from the customers.That is the summary. And yes my school makes us wear ugly uniforms.White blouse and Navy blue dress over it. My PE uniform is yellow and Navy Blue .Makes me look like a banana. My favorite sport is badminton and I don't know whether this is a sport but I like Dancing too. My birthday is in late February.

Your turn does your school make you wear uniforms???? Do you like reading???? You are in Middle school right????

Well if you are reading this i would be sleeping so I will have to say Good Morning!!!!!


Sarah aka. Juniper Leaf said...


I will try and post a picture of my uniform and my favorite clothes in the next post!!!!!

Talk to u soon!!!!!

Sazzyrosy97 said...

Hey guys! I'm not going to post until there's more than 6 comments *besides mine!!!* So BLAH!!!!

Sarah aka. Juniper Leaf said...

Hey come on I will help you.I can even post a hundred if you want.
Anyway its actually 12:00 where I live .And you its early Saturday morning right??? About 8:00 right????

Well you live in America right????And about the DS.I want the blue and black one too!!!!!! I have been looking at it since it came out!!

I am also a major bookworm!!!! I love reading Artemis Fowl and young bond!!! Do you have a favorite book????